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CTM (English)

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In 1913, the so-called ‘Coöperatieve Tilburgsche Melkinrichting en Zuivelfabriek (CTM)’, a milk and dairy factory, was founded at the Wilhelminapark. The factory and the front building included the director’s house, a store and a milk bar. They had been designed by Jos Donders and he used a subdued art nouveau style. A porter’s lodge was also part of the original site, which was expanded various times, but that has since disappeared. The CTM milkmen, who used to deliver their dairy products all across town, first by hand cart and later on by vans, used to be a common feature in the city streets.

In 1976, the company became part of the Campina Group. In 1980, former director R. Bouwman was symbolically given some milk for the last time at the Wilhelminapark and in 1981 the factory was closed. The front building was turned into a students’ house and nowadays it is a private residence with a design store. The production units remained vacant and were not demolished until 1994, when residential complex Stedekestaete was built.

At Wilhelminapark 63-A a tile picture still commemorates the milk and dairy factory. Over the gate of this national monument hangs a plaque containing the names of the people who founded the CTM.

In Dutch / Nederlands